A report by Blueprint Institute says coal-fired power generation is in ’permanent decline’ and its end is ‘inevitable’
A centre-right thinktank with links to former Liberal ministers Robert Hill and Christopher Pyne has said the Morrison government should commit to halving emissions from coal-fired electricity this decade, and the Coalition could drive the change by using some existing policies.
A report from the Blueprint Institute said the latest emissions projections released by the government indicated Australia would not meet its 2030 target. The only way to permanently reduce carbon emissions was to “reduce our economy’s structural reliance on them”.
Coal-fired power generation was now in “permanent decline”, it said, and in 2019, 21% of Australia’s electricity came from renewable sources. Since the last coal plant was commissioned in 2009, wind power had grown by 15% a year, solar by almost 50% a year, “and that pace is accelerating”.
Read the full article published in The Guardian 21st December 2020