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Falling cost of renewables creates coal test for federal government

Output of wind and solar power is at record levels as renewables continue to squeeze fossil fuels from the energy market, new figures reveal, setting up a test for the federal government as re-elected Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce continues to push to prolong coal use.

More than 3700 megawatts of new wind and solar farms and 2500 megawatts of rooftop solar entered the main electricity grid in 2020, according to the Australian Energy Regulator, boosting wind and solar’s combined output to record levels now surpassing 19 per cent of the mix.

As the price of renewable generation continues to fall, Scott Morrison is facing a test on energy policy as Barnaby Joyce backs new coal-fired power.

As the price of renewable generation continues to fall, Scott Morrison is facing a test on energy policy as Barnaby Joyce backs new coal-fired power.CREDIT:ALEX ELLINGHAUSEN/GETTY

The regulator’s latest figures, to be released on Friday, reveal the flood of renewables and accelerating clean energy revolution have contributed to wholesale power price falls of up to 58 per cent, with the average prices falling below $70 a megawatt-hour for the first time since 2015.

Read the full article published in SMH 2nd July 2021

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