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Anti-coal group Lock The Gate opposes NSW Minerals Council voice on Royalties for Rejuvenation panel

ENVIRONMENTAL activists are calling for the removal of a NSW Minerals Council representative from the Hunter's Royalties for Rejuvenation expert panel. The eight-person panel was established by the NSW Government to guide spending from the $25 million Royalties for Rejuvenation fund.


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Lock the Gate Alliance says the appointment of Minerals Council's James Barben "interferes with the panel's purpose".

"We're pleased the government is moving swiftly to get the Hunter on the road to renewal, but the coal mining industry already dominates the political and economic landscape in the Hunter," Lock the Gate Alliance's Georgina Woods said.

The Alliance is calling on NSW Deputy Premier Paul Toole to remove the NSW Minerals Council's representative and to promise none of the $25 million goes to coal mining companies.

"The NSW Perrottet Government must ensure industries and communities other than coal mining have space to grow and plan - without the coal lobby breathing down their necks," Ms Woods said.

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