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Hunter community creates a Roadmap to Renewal - March 2019

After consulting with thousands of Hunter residents over the past two years, we co-created a roadmap to renewal for the Hunter Valley.

Planning for a healthy and prosperous future of our Valley is past due, so we took up the reins and asked the experts, sought advice from other regions, and engaged community in discussions about our future needs and prospects.  Together we came up with the Hunter Renewal Roadmap.  Now we need support from local, state and federal governments, businesses to make it happen.

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Hunter Renewal Summit February 2019

February 28, 2019

On 20th February 100 people gathered in Singleton for the Hunter Renewal Summit to meet special guests from other coal communities that have adjusted to economic change and hear from experts about new opportunities and pathways to creating a thriving future for our region...

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Upper Hunter voters support diversification

October 31, 2018

In June 2018 we commissioned Hunter Research Foundation Centre to survey 300 residents of the Upper Hunter on their level of agreement on diversifying the Hunter Region economy away from reliance on the coal mining industry. 

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