Push for high energy users to source electricity from renewable sources: A new research project aims to identify opportunities for the Hunter to transform into a diverse renewable energy-based economy.
Red hot: Molycop switched to renewable energy last September as part of a long-term purchase agreement with energy retailer Flow Power.
The project led by the climate change think tank Beyond Zero Emissions is working with the region's high energy users on a plan to produce their industrial heat from electricity generated from renewable energy.
"The Hunter region can transition from a coal energy hub to a renewable energy hub - and repower its heavy industries with renewable generated electricity," Heidi Lee, BZE's business and industry program leader said.
"As part of our outreach in the Hunter, we have been engaging with a number of local companies who are being really proactive about addressing their future energy needs."
The project coincides with the Grattan Institute report Start with steel: A practical plan to support carbon workers and cut emissionsthat highlights the opportunity for the Hunter to become a producer of 'green steel'.
Read the full story by Matthew Kelly in the Newcastle Herald, published 13th May 2020