In June 2018 we commissioned Hunter Research Foundation Centre to survey 300 residents of the Upper Hunter on their level of agreement on diversifying the Hunter Region economy away from reliance on the coal mining industry.
The results of the survey show a relatively high level of agreement on diversifying the Hunter economy - more than half of respondents (55%) either agreed or strongly agreed that the Hunter economy should diversify. Only 23% disagreed.
In October 2018 we commissioned a Reachtel poll of another 253 residents of the Hunter, with roughly 70% agreeing the Hunter should diversify its economic base and develop a plan for a post-coal economy in the future - nearly 57% of them were strongly in agreement.
With all of our door-knocking surveys, phone-polls, public dinners and meetings we've directly engaged a broadly representative mix of over 2000 Hunter residents in conversations about transitioning the Hunter from our economic reliance on coal.